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10/2005-11/2006 加拿大农业部食品研究所做博士后工作

09/2002-06/2005 中科院长春应用化学研究所,化学专业获博士学位

09/1997-07/2000 长春中医药大学,中药化学专业获理学硕士学位

09/1990-07/1994 长春中医药大学,中药专业获理学学士学位


9/2012-目前 长春师范大学,化学学院,教授

1/2007-8/2012 长春师范大学中心实验室,副教授

3/2004-9/2004 加拿大农业部食品研究所做访问学者工作

07/2000-09/2002 长春应用化学研究所,新药研究室,助理研究员

07/1994-08/1997 长春北华药厂,技术员









1.Anqi Zhao, Li Li*, Bo Li, Meizhu Zheng, Rong Tsao, Ultrafiltration LC-ESI-MSn screening of 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor from selected Chinese medical herbs Smilax glabra Roxb., Smilax china L. Saponhnikovia divaricuta(Turcz.) Schischk, Journal of Functional Foods,2016, 24,244–253,

2.Li Li, Bo Li, Huirong Zhang, Anqi Zhao, Binhua Han, Chunming Liu, Rong Tsao, Ultrafiltration LC-ESI-MSn screening of MMP-2 inhibitor from selected Chinese medical herbs Smilax glabra Roxb., Smilax china L. Saponhnikovia divaricuta(Turcz.) Schischk as potential functional food ingredicens, Journal of Functional Foods, 2015, 15,389-395

3.Bo Li, Li Li*, Anqi Zhao, Binhua Han, Yajun Fan, Chunming Liu, Jianjun Liu, Preparative separation of isoflavones in plant extract of Pueraria lobata by high performance counter-current chromatography, Analytical Methods, 2015,7, 1321 - 1327

4.Bo Li, Xiaofei Zong, Huirong Zhang, Anqi Zhao, Li Li*, Rong Tsao, Jianjun Liu

Screening and structural characterization of MMP-2 inhibitor from Carthamus Tinctorius L. using ultrafiltration liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2014,37:2327–2336.

5.Huirong Zhang, Li Li*, Bo Li, Anqi Zhao,Rong Tsao,Polyphenolic Profiles and Antioxidant Activities, of Smilax glabra Roxb. and S. china L. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2013,32 (10): 1558-1564

6.Huirong Zhang, Bo Li , Xiaofei Zong , Li Li*. Preparative separation of flavonoids in plant extract of Smilacis Glabrae Roxb. by high performance counter-current chromatography. J. Sep. Sci. 2013, 00, 1–8

7.Xiaofei Zong, Li Li*, Huirong Zhang, Bo Li, and Chunming Liu,Preparative separation of hydroxyl safflower yellow and anhydrosafflor yellow B in plant extract of Carthamus Tinctorius L. by reverse phase medium pressure liquid chromatography, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2013, 36:1947–1958。

8.Li Li*, Yuge Gui, Jing Wang, Xiaofei Zong, Huirong Zhang, Chun Ming Liu,Preparative separation of chromones in plant extract of Saposhnikovia divaricata by reverse-phase medium-pressure liquid chromatography and high performance counter-current chromatography,Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies,2013,36:1043-1053

9.Li Li, Yuge Gui, Jing Wang, Xiaofei Zong, Huirong Zhang, Chun Ming Liu,Identification of Chromones in the Seeds Extract of Saposhnikovia divaricata by Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2012, 31 (2): 336-339

10 Li Li*, Yuge Gui, Jing Wang, Huirong Zhang, Xiaofei Zong and Chun Ming Liu,

Preparative separation of hyperoside of seeds extract of Saposhnikovia divaricata by high performance counter-0current chromatography,Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2012, 6(5): 884-887.

11.Yuge Gui, Rong Tsao, Li Li*, Chun Ming Liu, Jing Wang, Xiaofei Zong, Preparative separation of chromones in plant extract of Saposhnikovia divaricata by high performance counter-current chromatography,Journal of Separation Science, 2011,34,520-526

12. Li Li, Chun Ming Liu, Zhi Qiang Liu, Rong Tsao, Shuying Liu, Identification of phenylethanoid glycosides in plant extract of Plantago asiatica L. by liquid chromatography - electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 27, 541

13. Li Li, Liu Chun ming, Wang Jing, Shi Dong fang, Liu Zhi qiang,Isolation and purification of plantamajoside and acteoside from plant extract of Plantago asiatica L.by high performance centrifugal partition chromatography,Chem.Res. Chinese Universities,2009, 25(6): 817-821

14. Li Li, Chun Ming Liu, Zhi Qiang Liu, Jing Wang,Isolation and purification of phenylethanoid glycosides from plant extract of Plantago asiatica by high performance centrifugal partition chromatography,Chinese Chemical Letters 19 (2008) 1349–1352

15. Li Li, Rong Tsao, Raymond Yang, Chunming Liu,J. Christopher Young, Honghui Zhu,Isolation and purification of phenylethanoid glycosides from Cistanche deserticola by high-speed counter-current chromatography,Food Chemistry,2008,108,702–710.

16. Li Li, Rong Tsao, Raymond Yang, John K. G. Kramer, and Marta Hernandez, Fatty acid profiles, tocopherol contents and antioxidant activities of heartnut (Juglans ailanthifolia var. cordiformis) and Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.), J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007,55,1164-1169.

17.Li Li, Rong Tsao, Raymond Yang, Chunming Liu, Honghui Zhu, J. ChristopherYoung, Polyphenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of heartnut (Juglans ailanthifolia var. cordiformis) and Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.), J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54,8033-8040.

18. Li Li, Rong Tsao, Zhiqiang Liu, Shuying Liu, Raymond Yang, J.Christopher Young, Honghui Zhu, Zeyuan Deng, Mingyong Xie, Zhihong Fu. Isolation and purification of acteoside and isoacteoside from Plantago Psyllium L.by high-speed counter-current chromatography. J. Chromatogr.A, 2005,1063 :161-169.

19.Li Li, Rong Tsao, Jianpeng Dou, Fengrui Song, Zhiqiang Liu, Shuying Liu. Detection of saponins in extract of Panax notoginseng by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2005, 536:21-28.

20. 李丽, 刘志强, 刘春明,Rong Tsao, 吕磊, 刘淑莹, 车前草中苯乙醇苷化合物的电喷雾多级串联质谱研究,高等学校化学学报,2006, 8,1430-1434.

21.李丽, 窦建鹏,吴巍,刘志强,刘淑莹,朝鲜淫羊藿中黄酮高效液相类化合物的色谱与电喷雾质谱联用研究,分析化学,2005,33(3): 317-320.



24. 李丽, 刘志强, 吕磊,刘春明,刘淑莹, 肉苁蓉中苯乙醇苷类化合物的电喷雾质谱研究, 质谱学报, 2006,27(4),232-236.

25. 李丽,王晶,刘春明,车前草中一种黄酮化合物的电喷雾多级串联质谱研究,长春师范学院学报,2009,2,51

26. 李丽,王春雷,任长忠,不同样品处理方法对肉苁蓉中麦角甾苷测定的影响,中草药,2007,38,150-152

27. 李丽,时东方,任长忠,刘春明,车前子中苯乙醇苷化合物抗氧化活性研究,辽宁中医杂志,2009,36(11)1949-1951


29 Qing Xuan XU, Li LI, Hao YUE, Zhi Qiang LIU, Ming Quan GUO, Shu Ying LIU, Detection and characterization of Non-covalent complex between lappaconitine and β-cyclodextrin by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006,17(1):65-68

30.Wei Wu, Cunyu Yan, Li Li, Zhiqiang Liu,Shuying Liu. Studies on the flavones using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, J.Chromatogr.A, 2004,1047:213-220.


32. 吕磊,刘志强,李丽,刘宁,刘淑莹,人卵巢癌耐药细胞株的比较蛋白质组分析,高等学校化学学报,2006,4,635-637。

33 刘春明,刘志强,窦建鹏,李丽,刘淑莹,朝鲜淫羊藿中生物碱类新成分的分离提取及结构鉴定,高等学校化学学报,2003,12,2215-2217。

34 时东方, 任长忠, 李丽, 王强, 郑梅竹, 刘春明,燕麦中多酚类化合物的分析及抗氧化活性的研究,安徽农业科学,2008,36 (30) :13000-13002,13050

35. 刘春明,王晶,任长忠,时东方,王强,李 丽*,RP - HPLC法分析测定燕麦中的酚类化合物,粮食与饲料工业,2009,1,46-48.

36.刘春明,李 丽,刘志强,刘淑莹,炮制前后朝鲜淫羊藿化学成分的变化规律研究,分析测试学报,2004,23(1):67-69.

37.李 丽,刘质净,时东方,闫静,刘春明,车前草中苯乙醇苷化合物的抗氧化研究,江苏农业科学,2010,1(1):275-276.

38. 李 丽,刘质净,桂语歌,闫静,刘春明,防风中的色原酮化合物的高效液相色谱与电喷雾质谱联用研究,时珍国医国药,2010,21(6):1310-1311.

39. 李 丽,桂语歌,时东方,刘春明,防风中的色原酮化合物的抗氧化研究,时珍国医国药,2010,21(9):2135-2137.

40.李丽,桂语歌,宗晓菲,刘春明,应用电喷雾质谱技术分析鉴定防风中色原酮类化合物,辽宁中医杂志,2011,38 (4):711-712

41. 李 丽,王晶,桂语歌,宗晓菲,刘春明,应用高效离心分配色谱技术分离肉苁蓉中的苯乙醇苷化合物,时珍国医国药,2011,22(7):1549-1551.

42. 王晶,刘春明,白鹤龙,李 丽,中药中皂苷类化合物的抗氧化活性评价研究,时珍国医国药,2010,21(6):1485-1487.

43. 王晶,李 丽,刘春明,刘质净,白鹤龙,不同红药提取物中总酚的测定及抗氧化活性DPPH法的活性评价研究,辽宁中医杂志,2011,38(3):513-515.

44. Jing Wang, He-long Bai, Chun-ming Liu, Li Li Isolation and Purification of Ginsenosides from Plant Extract of Panax quinquefolium L. by High Performance Centrifugal Partition Chromatography coupled with Evaporative Light Scattering Detection,Chromatographia,2010,71,267-271.

45. 刘质净,李 丽,王晶,闫静,刘春明,玄参中多酚类化合物的抗氧化活性研究,时珍国医国药,2010,21(4):796-798.

46. He-Long Bai , Jing Wang ,Chun-Ming Liu,Li Li. Isolation and Purification of Flavonoids from Ziziphus jujuba byHigh-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2010, 57, 1071-1076

47. 刘质净,李 丽,桂语歌,闫静,刘春明,玄参中苯乙醇苷化合物的高效逆流色谱及技术分离,时珍国医国药,2011,22(3):549-551.


49. 李丽,宗晓菲,张慧荣,李博,桂语歌,刘春明, 应用液质联用技术分析鉴定防风中一种新色原酮类成分,长春师范学院学报(自然科学版),2012,30(6):20-23



52宗晓菲,张慧荣,李博,桂语歌, 李丽*,药用植物防风中色原酮类成分的提取[J].贵州农业科学,2012,40(12):176-177.

53 赵安琦,李博,张慧荣,李丽*,应用电喷雾质谱技术分析鉴定桑叶中黄酮类化合物,


54. 李博,赵安琦,张慧荣,李丽*,应用超滤液相色谱和电喷雾质谱技术筛选MMP-2活性成分,分子科学学报,2015,31(2):93-100

55. 赵安琦,王菁,藤飞,李丽*,4种黄酮化合物与5脂氧合酶相互作用的研究,分子科学学报,2016,32(6):488-491

著 作:

1. Rong Tsao, Li Li, Phytochemical profiles and potential health benefits of heartnut (Juglans ailanthifolia var. cordiformis): A comparison with common walnut (Juglans regia L.), Tree nuts,2008

2. Rong Tsao, Li Li and Chunming Liu, Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) as a source of nutraceuticals, functional foods, and natural health products, In Medicinal Plants, Surya N. Acharya (Ed.) ,2007

3. 李丽,刘春明 主编,中药抗氧化成分的现代分离和分析技术,北京,科学出版社,2011年,5月,ISBN 978-7-03-030933-4(中国版本图书馆CIP数字合字(2011)第077383号


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